대구한의대학교 간질환한약융복합활용연구센터

서브 콘텐츠


번호 분류 내역
26 학술대회 발표 (포스터) A skin thermal surge following cocaine injection: mediation of peripheral dopamine receptor
25 학술대회 발표 (포스터) Substance P is an important mediator for acupuncture effects
24 학술대회 발표 (포스터) A spino-hypothalamo-habenular pathway mediating aversive behaviors
23 학술대회 발표 (PPT) Acupuncture Point: One form of neurogenic inflammation in skin.
22 학술대회 발표 (포스터) Acupuncture attenuates the reinstatement of cocaine-seeking by enhancing GABAergicinhibition in the ventral tegmental area
21 학술대회 발표 (포스터) Unpleasant sound elicits negative emotion and reinstates drug seeking.
20 학술대회 발표 (포스터) Involvement of the cuneate nucleus in the acupuncture inhibition of drug-seeking behaviors
19 학술대회 발표 (포스터) The role of substance P in acupuncture signal transduction and effects
18 학술대회 발표 (PPT) Hepatoprotective effect of a combination of icaritin and quercetin
17 학술대회 발표 (PPT) Hepatoprotective effect of Hemistepta lyrata Bung(Bunge) and its active compound hemistepsin A
16 학술대회 발표 (포스터) The beneficial antifibrotic flavonoids in licorice modulating Hippo / Yap and TGF-β1 / Smad signaling pathways
15 학술대회 발표 (포스터) Actibation tranion factor 4-dependent B cell translocation gene-1 induction promotes ferroptosis.
14 학술대회 발표 (포스터) Sulfur Amino Acid deficiency Promotes Ferroptosis via ATF4-Dependent BTG1 induction
13 수상내역 최우수 발표상
12 학술대회 발표 (PPT) 음양곽의 간에 대한 약리 활성